
On Air

Dana Loesch

Mon - Fri: 12:00 PM - 02:00 PM Sunday: 04:00 AM - 07:00 AM

PODCAST: 07.24 – Local Veteran Harassed for Not Wearing a Mask

PODCAST: 07.24 – Local Veteran Harassed for Not Wearing a Mask

PODCAST: 07.24 – Local Veteran Harassed for Not Wearing a Mask

PODCAST: 07.24 – Local Veteran Harassed for Not Wearing a Mask

Hour 1 –

Guest: Melanie Taylor, Reopen Springfield

Nick Reed talks about a variety of topics in the news, including:

Kristi Fulnecky and her client held a press conference yesterday at City Hall. We have the full live stream on our Facebook page.

A local Army veteran was harassed for not wearing a mask in Springfield.


Melanie Taylor with Reopen Springfield chats with Nick Reed.

Melanie talks about the meeting last night on recalling Springfield City Council meeting.

She has several new groups that you can join:

Change for Springfield Missouri – This Group serves the community interest in


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