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Two More COVID-19 Deaths In Greene County

Two More COVID-19 Deaths In Greene County

Two More COVID-19 Deaths In Greene County

The Springfield-Greene County Health Department says two more people have died from COVID-19.

Here’s more from the health department:

The Springfield-Greene County Health Department is saddened to announce the deaths of two Greene County residents from COVID-19.

Our community lost:

  • A woman in her 60s
  • A woman in her 80s

The Health Department extends our condolences to everyone impacted by these losses.

Sixty-two deaths have been reported by the Health Department in October. A total of 139 Greene County residents have died from COVID-19.

Nobody is immune to COVID-19—we are all vulnerable to it, but we know some will suffer much more severe outcomes. We share a collective responsibility to fight this disease that will require patience, diligence and sacrifice.

For more information on the preventative measures we can all take to help slow the spread of COVID-19, click here. 

Who is at risk

Like so many of us, these individuals had an underlying health condition that put them or may have put them at increased risk of severe outcomes from COVID-19.

Having an underlying health condition should not be interpreted as an individual being sick, feeble or infirm.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has identified two groups at higher risk for severe health outcomes from COVID-19: older adults and people with underlying health conditions.

Underlying health conditions can impact anyone at any age and include common diagnoses that many Greene County residents live with. For instance:

  • 16% of Greene County residents are 65 or older,
  • 33% are considered obese and
  • 11% have asthma

Other health conditions identified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as include, but are not limited to:

  • Cancer
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Lung disease
  • Obesity
  • Serious heart conditions
  • Diabetes
  • Pregnancy

A full list of conditions can be viewed on the CDC’s website.

Long-term care in Greene County

The individuals who died from COVID-19 were associated with long-term care.

Long-term care facilities are required to report a positive case among staff or residents to the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services within 24 hours so guidance can be provided on comprehensive testing, isolation and quarantine instructions, personal protective equipment and staffing. Guidance for long-term care facilities can be found here.

COVID-19 Living Memorial

To remember those lost from COVID-19 and to support those left behind, the Health Department has created a COVID-19 Living Memorial.

The memorial can be accessed at health.springfieldmo.gov/COVIDmemorial

The Living Memorial will be regularly updated with photos and memories of individuals lost to this pandemic. It includes a link for families to share what they would like the community to remember about their loved one.

Also included on the page are links to resources in our community for grieving families, including Lost & Found Grief Center and a community Facebook remembrance page created and managed by a community member who lost a parent to COVID-19.

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