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Glenn Beck

Mon - Fri: 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM

State Wants Private Company To Handle Calls About Jobless Benefits

State Wants Private Company To Handle Calls About Jobless Benefits

State Wants Private Company To Handle Calls About Jobless Benefits

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) — Missouri officials want to continue having a private company handle calls about jobless benefits in the state even though the unemployment rate has returned to pre-pandemic levels.

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that the state Department of Labor and Industrial Relations is asking companies to bid on a contract to run a call center that would help officials process unemployment claims.

A California company called Protiviti has been handling those duties since October 2020, and it has been paid $18 million.

The unemployment rate reached as high as 12.5% in April 2020.

Currently, it is down to 3.7%, which is equal to the rate in March 2020 before the pandemic began.

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