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How to Contact Santa Claus

How to Contact Santa Claus

How to Contact Santa Claus


If you have kiddos, you’ve probably been asked how to contact Santa Claus.  We’ve compiled a list of the best ways to check on Kris Kringle this holiday season.



If you want to sit down and write a letter out to Santa, there’s a chance you might get one back! However, it’s a busy time of year for Santa, so he might not reply in time for Christmas.  The United States Postal Service gives tips on their website on how to write the perfect letter to Santa.

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No stamps, no problem. Writing a letter isn’t the only way to get a hold of Santa these days. You can call Santa on his direct hotline: (951) 262-3062. Once again, it’s a busy time of year for Santa Claus, so there’s a chance it might go right to his voicemail.

A caller can expect to hear “Merry Christmas! This is Santa Claus and you have reached my personal hotline.” Santa then explains that he’s been busy getting ready for Christmas morning. Santa then wraps it up by saying “When you hear the tone, leave me your Christmas wish list and holiday cheer.”

You can also contact Santa via phone call through NORAD: 1-877-HI-NORAD. Callers can ask any questions to NORAD, and volunteers on the other end of the line suggest to the kiddos that they should be in bed before Santa’s expected arrival.


It’s always fun to watch where Santa is on Christmas Eve. The best way to do that is to follow the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) Santa Tracker. NORAD targets Santa when he departs from the North Pole, and follows him across the world as he delivers toys to everyone for Christmas morning.

You can also use the Google Santa Tracker this year. Google has a countdown clock until Santa takes off, multiple games for the kiddos to play, and different ways to track Santa via Google Earth.


While you can’t visit him at the North Pole, many people have visited Santa right here in the Ozarks! There’s plenty of places to spot Santa, so here’s a short list of the best ways to lock your eyes on him before Christmas time!

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