
On Air

Dana Loesch

Mon - Fri: 12:00 PM - 02:00 PM Sunday: 04:00 AM - 07:00 AM

More Than A Dozen States Open Vaccines To All Adults

More Than A Dozen States Open Vaccines To All Adults

More Than A Dozen States Open Vaccines To All Adults

(AP) — More than a dozen states are set to open COVID-19 vaccine eligibility to all adults this week.

The expansion that began Monday has some health officials worried about whether it will create expectations they can’t possibly meet until vaccine supplies catch up to demand.

Meanwhile, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says she had a feeling of “impending doom” about a potential fourth wave of infections after cases in the U.S. rose 10% over the last week.

During a White House briefing, the CDC director pleaded with Americans not to relax preventative practices such as social distancing and mask-wearing.


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