
On Air

Kim Komando

Saturday: 07:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Nick Reed PODCAST: 10.04 – Dallas County Crime UPDATE

Nick Reed PODCAST: 10.04 – Dallas County Crime UPDATE

Nick Reed PODCAST: 10.04 – Dallas County Crime UPDATE

Nick Reed PODCAST: 10.04 – Dallas County Crime UPDATE

Hour 1 –  Nick Reed talks about a variety of topics in the news, including: VP Harris was in California for a mysterious overnight trip Saturday — and the White House has remained mum on the reason for her travel. Democratic Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, a key holdout against the White House’s $3.5 trillion social spending plan, was confronted this weekend by protesters who followed her to the bathroom with cameras and stood outside her stall, demanding she support the Biden administration’s partisan social benefits and climate spending bill. Over the weekend, an “F Joe Biden” chant broke out at

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