
On Air

Safe Money Radio with Brad Pistole

Saturday: 07:00 AM - 08:00 AM & 03:00 PM - 04:00 PM Sunday: 07:00 AM - 08:00 AM

PODCAST: 07.22 – The Springfield ‘Secret Police’ Hotline

PODCAST: 07.22 – The Springfield ‘Secret Police’ Hotline

PODCAST: 07.22 – The Springfield ‘Secret Police’ Hotline

PODCAST: 07.22 – The Springfield ‘Secret Police’ Hotline

Hour 1 – Nick Reed talks about a variety of topics in the news, including: Springfield City Council is considering whether to take up a resolution asking Governor Parson to enact a statewide face mask ordinance. The City of Springfield says almost 1,000 calls were reported on the line where citizens can snitch on one another for NOT wearing a mask. Make sure to be listening to Kristi Fulnecky tomorrow morning… There will be a meeting tomorrow for citizens who are fed up with Springfield City Council. ALSO –  Lowe’s officials say they will change the way they sell rope. This

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