Federal Judge Denies Temporary Restraining Order Against Springfield Mask Mandate

Federal Judge Denies Temporary Restraining Order Against Springfield Mask Mandate

Federal Judge Denies Temporary Restraining Order Against Springfield Mask Mandate

A federal judge has refused a request for a temporary restraining order as a part of a lawsuit on Springfield’s masking ordinance.

The lawsuit was brought on behalf of Rachel Shelton by Attorney Kristi Fulnecky.

The lawsuit against the city of Springfield argues the face mask ordinance violates a right to privacy.

This is the most recent of three requests for a temporary restraining order filed by Attorney Kristi Fulnecky that has been denied.

They include two against the city of Branson and one against Springfield Public Schools.

Here’s reaction from attorney Kristi Fulnecky:

The Plaintiff in the Springfield mask mandate lawsuit asked the federal court for an emergency measure, a restraining order, to enjoin enforcement of the mask mandate.

The federal court did not grant the measure.

The Plaintiff will continue to fight to protect her constitutional rights from government overreach.

The Plaintiff has many concerns regarding whether a City emergency even exists.

It’s questionable whether wearing a mask is even effective to prevent the spread of disease.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has stated that cloth masks are ineffective and N-95 with vents may actually spread the virus more.

The effectiveness of surgical masks is in doubt.

The CDC guidelines recently stated that those who come in close contact with someone with Coronavirus for more than 15 minutes could spread the virus regardless of whether either party is wearing a mask.

Also, recently, the NY Times reported that 90% who test positive for Covid 19 are not contagious.

Secondly, the CDC recently released guidelines stating that it is not necessary to screen asymptotic people but the Greene County Health Dept is ignoring CDC guidelines and continue to screen asymptotics which drive up the positive numbers.

The CDC also recently updated their Covid numbers and only 6% of all coronavirus deaths nationally were completely due to the Coronavirus alone; the rest of the deaths were attributed to individuals who had other serious illnesses.

The Greene County death rate is only .003% and most, if not all, had other serious illnesses.

The mandatory shutdowns and mask mandates have hurt businesses, employees, families, and citizens.

This pandemic is not dangerous enough to justify the extraordinary uses of governmental authority and overreach.

Why are these mask mandates necessary for Covid yet we lose several hundred lives in Greene County due to influenza?

The healthy general public has minimal risk from serious illness due to this virus yet the Greene County Health Dept has willingly destroyed lives and livelihoods though their overreach.

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