
On Air

Dana Loesch

Mon - Fri: 12:00 PM - 02:00 PM Sunday: 04:00 AM - 07:00 AM

PODCAST: 05.18 – Soft Targets & School Shootings PRT 2

PODCAST: 05.18 – Soft Targets & School Shootings PRT 2

PODCAST: 05.18 – Soft Targets & School Shootings PRT 2

PODCAST: 05.18 – Soft Targets & School Shootings PRT 2

Matt Canovi picks up last weeks topic – Soft targets, and school shootings.  Profiling: Dee Wampler talks about when profiling became an option within law enforcement. Soft Targets: Schools and churches have become what is called a “soft target.” This means that these buildings are usually known gun free zones. So what do we do? School Security: Matt talks about that you can do to better protect your family while in a school facility. https://soundcloud.com/ksfg-fm/051819-the-gun-show-soft-targets-and-school-shootings

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